Editing green tones in photos can be a huge challenge for pet photographers. To celebrate the launch of our brand new full-length editing tutorial “Dreaming in Green,” we are bringing back an editing challenge! This…
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Learn Your Camera’s Capabilities!
Whether you are new to pet photography, an aspiring professional, or petfluencer, it’s important to be able to take the photos that you WANT to take, whether indoors or outdoors. Photos that are sharp and…
The October Challenge Pt. 2 – Candid Moments & Special Props
How are you guys doing? Did you enjoy part 1 of The October Photography Challenge? If you missed it, or you are new here (hello!) every month here on the blog and on my Instagram,…
The October Challenge – Capturing Detail & Opening Out
It’s officially fall, which means it’s now time for…(drumroll please) The October Photography Challenge! Every month here on the blog and on Instagram, I host a pet photography challenge. Sometimes it will be about finding…
August Editing Challenge & July Results!
Pet photography is all about taking beautiful pictures which show the personality of our subject, tell a story, or capture a perfect moment in time. By thinking about how you’re using light, expression, editing and…
Perfect Personality: July Photography Challenge!
Our job as photographers is not only about capturing beautiful images of pets that captivate our audience, but about telling a story, or showing our audience something about the dog, cat, horse or snake. I…
Taking Self Portraits with your Dog: April Challenge!
As pet photographers, we are most confident behind the camera, capturing our four-legged subjects’ personalities and stories. Occasionally we get brave and include a person in the photos too… But I know many of us…
February Comfort Zone Challenge Results
Every month (except March!) I hold a photography or editing challenge through my blog and Instagram. I think challenges are such a fun way to improve your pet photography, learn new skills, or try something…
February “Comfort Zone” Challenge & January Results!
Every month here on the blog, and on Instagram, I host a pet photography challenge. It could be an editing challenge, to help you practise different editing styles and techniques on photos of dogs that…
January’s COSY challenge theme & December challenge feedback!
Jump to the January Challenge December Challenge – Feedback To celebrate Journey’s birthday in December, the December #inspawrationchallenge on Instagram was to choose from a selection of raw photos of baby Journey, edit one or…