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Challenge Instructions: START HERE!

I’ve grouped the challenges into Learning Stage below, just so they’re easier to find as the library of challenges grows, but of course you’re welcome to do ANY challenge you want! You’re not restricted to your specific learning stage!

I’ve put all the Editing Challenges together in one section, except for the Beginning Stage challenges, which will show up twice.

For All Learning Stages

Reflections Challenge

This challenge is all about reflections, and creativity! We encourage you to go and take a photo featuring a reflection - not necessarily involving water! Think outside the box and really challenge yourself creatively in this challenge.

Fairy Lights Challenge(December 2024)

Firsts Challenge (January 2025)

This challenge asks you to try something completely new, whether in editing or in your photography, to get out of your comfort zone, learn something, and develop your skills!

Refocus Challenge (February 2025)

This challenge asks you to refocus, to get back to WHY you started taking photos, and to find a way to show that reason in one image.

Beginning Stage Challenges

Light Challenge!

This month, we're going to be diving deeply into light.

Learn Your Camera’s Capabilities

In order to get full control over our photos, we need to understand what our camera is capable of. This challenge encourages you to push your camera to the limits, so you know what it can do under different circumstances.

Challenge: See the world with a new perspective!

Beginning Editing Challenge: Pitrie

Creating Stage Challenges

Perfect Personality

🥸(all): Our job is to capture personalities & tell stories. What do you need to think about to best show a subject's personality? That's what the July challenge is all about!

Limited Location

This challenge aims to push you creatively and to explore multiple ways to use one location. We often drive ourselves crazy trying to find the "perfect" location, or to move from here to there and to have 20 different spots along a walk... when sometimes all we need is one good location, used a variety of ways, to create a collection of completely different photos.

Variety Challenges: All about the dog

There are 3 challenges included here! Each of them is designed to get you out of your comfort zone, challenge you creatively, and inspire you to photograph your subjects in different ways to our normal posed artistic portrait.

Panorama Challenge

This challenge encourages you to consciously create panorama-type photos, not of landscapes, but to fix your composition, give the dog more space to look into, or make the background softer and blurrier by being closer to the dog when shooting.

Exploring Stage Challenges

“Joy” Challenge

Whether you're photographing in spring, or a litter of puppies, being able to capture and show an emotion is incredibly important to our work as photographers! In this challenge, focus on the a joyful feeling when out taking photos.

Gradient Challenge

This Challenge was created by Sabrina, and has downloadable files for you to work through the steps on. The aim is to add some sunrise colours to an otherwise grey sky!

Different Action Challenge

This challenge asks you to think outside the box when it comes to taking action photos! Moving beyond the "dog runs toward you" or "dog jumps over log toward you" but to start experimenting with other ways of showing movement and action.

Pets and People Challenge

This challenge is all about photographing pets and people together, and moving beyond the "classic pose" of dog & person sitting or standing side by side.

Beyond & Fun Challenges

Glow Up!

This challenge offers two possibilities: either recreate an old photo of yours to see how much you've progressed - so go back to a similar/same location, and take a totally new photo there... or to re-edit an older photo of yours with your new editing skills.

Editing Challenges

Deep Green Editing Challenge

This editing tutorial links to the "Deep Green" editing tutorial & lesson, and provides you with two options of photos to edit. One being simpler, the other much more advanced. You are encouraged to "copy" the edit, to push your editing skills, try new techniques, and expand your editing options.

Gradient Challenge

This Challenge was created by Sabrina, and has downloadable files for you to work through the steps on. The aim is to add some sunrise colours to an otherwise grey sky!

Beginning Editing Challenge: Pitrie

Challenges coming soon:

  • Self portrait challenge
  • Action challenge
  • Backlight challenge
  • Gradient Challenge
  • Head-swap Challenge
Send me your ideas! [email protected]
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