Day 2: Angel Perspective!

This is a really cute and simple photo to create. You don’t need a ton of props or for your dog to do any special tricks, but it feels a bit more special than a dog sitting next to a tree (even though that’s exactly what he’s doing!)

You’ll want to decorate your Christmas tree first, and maybe have a fuzzy rug or something around the base. 

Get your dog to sit as as close as possible to the tree. You stand up, and photograph from above looking down. If you’re using a camera, you may even get some nice depth with the branches nearest the lens blurring due to the depth of field. 

It works best if you can see a  bit of the tree like in the photo of Journey licking his snoot, rather than just a green blur like the photo of my two boys.

Bonus! Fairy lights are your friend! Play with holding fairy lights close to, further away from, underneath or shooting through a hole in the middle of them for different magical effects!

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