In all the courses, you will find the navigation menu for the course to the left. Here you can jump through the various lessons. 

  • The Inspawration logo will return you to your “Dashboard”
  • Below this is a google translate plugin, which will translate the text of the lesson into your language.
  • Some lessons also include “topics” – think of them as sub-lessons, or add-ons to the main lesson. You can click on the “topics” button to see the lessons included there. 
  • Each lesson will have navigational arrows at the bottom, as well as an option to “mark complete” when you’ve finished it, so you can keep track of your progress.
  • Each lesson will have a combination of video, text, and occasionally resources to download. There are areas for comments and questions at the foot of each lesson. I will answer questions as soon as I can.
  • Unfortunately at the moment, due to the hosting platform of the videos, they do not offer automatic closed captioning or translation. I hope to transcribe the videos in the future, but I hope that for the moment, the text component of the lesson will help you to follow along.
  • Some lessons will have special challenges or assignments for Learning Community members to post to the closed Facebook group, so keep an eye out for those!

You may also see Professor Loks (aka. Professor Snoot) and his studious student Journey around the course...

Professor Snoot
Professor Loks will usually give you handy hints, tips, and things to remember.
Student Journey
Student Journey is an inquisitive fellow, so he'll be asking questions, getting you to think about your work or your knowledge, to further help you learn.
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