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  1. Charlotte Rundgren January 19, 2021at7:06 pm

    Oh this is an awesome lesson, some subtle changes since I had my lesson and it has given me some clarity too. I am seeing such a trend for glassy over edited eyes at the moment and I don’t want to fall down that rabbit hole!

    1. Emily January 19, 2021at7:49 pm

      Cool that there’s been some changes – and I think you’ll find that in general since your lesson I’ve refined and changed small parts of my process. I’m definitely not a huge fan of the “solid rectangle of white catchlight” that is seen sometimes. I do have a bit extra that I do in PS on the eyes but it isn’t so much brightening as it is defining the eye a bit more. It’s on my list to make this part 2 at some point in the future!

  2. Charlotte January 20, 2021at12:09 am

    So excited for this course, I’ve loved following your journey and love your style which is why I am doing this as my first ever photography course ??

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