Ready to improve your pet photos?
Get critiqued!

When learning a new skill, it can be hard to know what to focus on next! 

Getting feedback from a professional helps you set a goal and focus your intentions. No more wasting time guessing.

While the Learning Journey membership includes detailed, monthly critique for Pro members, this is your chance to get a “taster” of your work being critiqued!

How it works:

Emily will pick accounts at random to create 60 second critiques, based on one or more photos from your feed.. By entering your details, you consent to your feed or photos being shown on Inspawration Photography’s social media channels (Instagram, Tiktok and YouTube). Make sure you’re following her on at least one social media platform to be chosen.

By signing up for a critique, you are also signing up for the Inspawration mailing list (I promise, it’ll be worth it, there’ll be a bonus already waiting in your inbox after you sign up!). You can unsubscribe any time.

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Just starting out? With 7 bite sized topics perfect for beginners, from composition to natural light and starting editing, and access to our amazing community to ask questions, get feedback and support, Pet Photography Fundamentals is the perfect place to start your photography journey.

Otherwise, try these FREE resources

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