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  1. [email protected] January 26, 2021at6:41 pm

    Hi, you are doing a radial filter with a gradient cream / black in it, but when I do that, the effect of the gradient is outside the radial?

    how is that possible?

    1. Emily January 26, 2021at6:47 pm

      Hmm… you mean the gradient that I made from one of the tools on the left hand side? I don’t actually do it like this any more, since you can’t easily change the colour, size, etc of the effect doing it that way… But possibly I used an eliptical selection tool then dragged the gradient inside the shape I’d made and that sets the mask already to “contain” the gradient?

        1. Emily January 28, 2021at7:42 pm

          If it goes outside instead of inside then you need to invert the mask with cmd or crtl + i

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